It's the Magazine's 7 days 7 questions quiz - a chance to find out how much news from the past week you've read, heard and watched... and how much has stayed lodged in the old grey matter.
1.) Multiple Choice Question
Gap-toothed model Lara Stone, who helped popularise this look, has won damages from Playboy. Which is her gappy grin?
And here is Ms Stone with her new husband, Little Britain star David Walliams. She said the damages won from Playboy would be donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.
2.) Multiple Choice Question
Oliver and Olivia shared top honours in the 2009 baby names lists for England and Wales, but in the monthly breakdown, which girl's name was the most popular in December that year?
3.) Missing Word Question
Clegg fury over * claim
U-turncleansingexpenses4.) Multiple Choice Question
Two bruises appeared around the eyes of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. What was the official explanation?
5.) Multiple Choice Question
Next week, California voters will be polled on whether to legalise and tax marijuana, on the ballot paper as what?
6.) Multiple Choice Question
A former Woolworths shop, Wellworths, has been forced by the company that bought the chain to rebrand. To what?
7.) Multiple Choice Question
Some well known faces will be puffing upon birthday cake this weekend, but who will have the most candles to blow out?
Football legend Diego MaradonaAnswers
It's one. Ms Stone won her case against French Playboy over unauthorised photos. Two is former US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, followed by Madonna and actress Lauren Hutton. All the women sport dental quirks that are currently in vogue, and sought, within the fashion world, it was reported this week. It was Holly, which was ranked 19th overall but seemed to catch the seasonal mood in Christmas month. Ruby was second overall, behind Olivia but ahead of Chloe. It's cleansing. Labour frontbencher Chris Bryant said the housing benefit changes would "cleanse" London of poor people, a description that Mr Clegg said was offensive. London Mayor Boris Johnson repeated the term a day later. Mr Putin's office said it was due to poor lighting and a heavy work schedule, although that didn't stop speculation that he had been under the knife. It's 19. Proposition 8, which outlawed gay marriage, was passed in 2008, while Proposition 20 is one of eight other propositions in California in next week's mid-term elections, but it relates to gerrymandering. And 203 proposes legalising marijuana in Arizona for medical use. It's Wellchester, as the store is in Dorchester. It was opened in 2009 by former Woolworths manager Claire Robertson, who says she wants to expand the brand across the South West. It's Dennis, who will be 52 on Saturday, the same day on which Maradona will be 50. Swinton is the baby of the trio. She will be 49 on Sunday. Many happy returns!Your Score
0 - 3 : Hand of clod
4 - 6 : Hand of spod
7 - 7 : Hand of God
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This article is from the BBC News website. � British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
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